
Pregnancy and Neurogenic Bladder
Question: Hi Trudy! I am 30 years old and been diagnosed with a neurogenic bladder from the age of 9 due to spinal cord surgery that went wrong. Ever since I have been using self catheterization between 5-15 times a day. Went to school, got my degree and worked a full...
Coping Strategies with a Neurogenic Bladder and Bowel
Having coping strategies in place is more than important and necessary for a healthy productive life. The goal for us is to go out and live our lives. Often there is pain involved for us, concern for embarrassment if we have an accident, and an isolation factor because we have a great fear of others knowing that we have toileting issues.
Practice Different Cathing Positions
Kidney Health and a Neurogenic Bladder.
I understand that running out for antibiotics frequently will increase my chances of developing an anti-resistant strain of bacteria or super bug. Yet if I don’t treat the infection, my kidneys can blow out.
Top 15 foods for your kidneys are;
I Just Hold my Head up and Fight!
When I was first diagnosed I wanted to dig a hole and hide forever. I thought I was saddled with
the most ostracizing affliction. While I, to this day I don’t tip my hat to anyone who will listen, I feel good in my skin.
Libito and Life
Will a diagnosis of a disease that effects my nerves, kill my nerves to the point of never experiencing the bells and whistles of orgasm again?
The History of Urinary Catheters
The history of catheders.
Let’s Take Auto Immune Disease Seriously
Is there a connection to what we eat and our environment to auto immune disorders?
Super Bug and Bladder Infection, WATCH WHAT YOU EAT!
I could get a super bug bladder infection. They call them super bugs because that are resistant to any form of antibiotic. The bacteria have mutated and are just resistant.
Dementia, What Did You Say???
There are so many diseases one can get, such as Multiple Sclerosis, Lyme Decease, HTLV1&2, Parkinson’s, to mention a few, that the symptoms of neurogenic bladder and bowel, are in tandem.
Bladder pain or Interstitial Cystitis OUCH!!
Bladder pain or interstitial cystitis is something I just live with. I am not sure why.
Why I like my Doctors
When a person has a disability it means that it will not change. We need to have a positive attitude about our bodies and surround ourselves with positive doctors.
Advice from a Chemist
Advice from a chemist. Know what you are taking.
High School Reunion and Going Forward with a Neurogenic Bladder
We humans all experince this life in stages. It was just fun to be in a room of people who were in the same stage as me! As I looked around the room I saw happy, yet imperfect bodies. There were people dealing with cancer, obesity, perhaps someone was like me and dealing with a neurogenic bladder.
Bladder Cancer and the Neurogenic Bladder
WHO??Smokers, caucasions, fiftyfive and older, frequent bladder infections, pink rosy urine.
Bladder Infections and a Neurogenic Bladder
No matter how hard I try or how careful I am, I still seem to get bladder infections.
Watching the Clock with a Neurogenic Bladder
Regular times for eating and toileting are important to me. Since I have a neurogenic bladder and bowel I do not have the normal ques or signals. I know of course how to help this quandary, GET AN ALARM CLOCK.
Automatic Flush and a Neurogenic Bladder
My life was jeopardized today not by a malfunctioning airplane , bomb or unruly child but by a spray that could just as easily end my life. The trigger for the flush is set off by the motion of my hand, inside the toilet bowl, while I cath.
Neurogenic Bladder in the Movies
When I was diagnosed with a neurogenic bladder I was so desperate for information that I looked up movies with quadriplegics and those having paraplegia in the lead roles. My thought was that people with that disability usually have bowel and bladder paralysis as well.