
An Opportunity for a Paid Interview

Attention all intermittent catheter users. This is a chance to earn $150 for an hour long interview  If you are interested please contact them directly. They will select 5 participants. This is time sensitive, the opportunity will last only until May 25 Here is their...

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Talking about Neurogenic Bladder and Bowel

Talking about Neurogenic Bladder and Bowel

Not long ago, I took a friend of mine out to lunch. She had just lost her husband to Lou Gehrig's disease.  It was the first time we had a chance to talk since the funeral.

As we chit-chatted, as girlfriends do, she asked me what I was up to. Up until recently, I have not told others about my bladder and bowel dysfunction, nor about this blog. This blog has been written to and for YOU, my kindred spirits, my fellow new friends that also deal daily with bladder and bowel dysfunction.

But . . .

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Pelvic Pain, Wellness Starts with “We”

Pelvic Pain, Wellness Starts with “We”

Please allow me to introduce a guest author, Faith whom I met at the Blogher confrence in San Jose. Like me she has a passion to help women with a personal medical problem that is not so easy for us to talk about.

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Neurogenic Bladder Device RIP-OFF

Neurogenic Bladder Device RIP-OFF

The ability for me to conveniently choose and buy the catheter I need is a matter of life and death. We do not have the ability to go to a catheter super store and just pick up what we need.

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Uses for my Right and Left Hand

Uses for my Right and Left Hand

I got an idea from my sons who recently took a trip around the world. They had much to learn in the Eastern part of the world about the use of the right and left hands. Would that concept help me fight a bladder infection?

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Blog Categories!

Awards for Beyond Embarrassment