
God is Bigger than the Corona Virus
During this time of the Corona Virus we are experiencing a frightful time and because of this circumstance it causes me to draw closer to God for comfort. A lot of us fall into the medically fragile category and sometimes we think about what happens after we die. I am...
Vaginal Bioidentical Hormone Estrogen
Welcome back Readers of! Our blogging platform was undergoing an...
Circle of Friends: Janine’s Story
Dear Trudy, Before describing the effects of Cushing Syndrome or Disease, on the bladder...
Circle of Friends: Beth’s Story
Beth: A stroke will not get her down! Dear Trudy, People having bladder and...
Circle of Friends: Jenifer’s Story
"Hopefully my story can help motivate those that may be struggling to keep pushing for a...
Circle of Friends: Lewis’ Story
Hi Trudy I found your blog yesterday after finding your profile on "patients like me" which...
The Gender Gap, SHHH
Polite society does not converse about health issues, especially any drama surrounding voiding issues. I get it. So excuse me if I press boundaries.
Is Surgery the Answer for Bladder Incontinence?
There is a lot of flip-flap about doing a surgical procedure to “cure” paralyzed parts (nerve connections) to help people urinate and poo on their own. In some cases many small electrodes are put into the body near the targeted nerves.
Not a Medical Expert
With so many cooks stirring the pot, how do issues stay straight for ME, medically speaking? I do not always understand what I am being told. Some issues are confusing to me. Please forgive my confusion at times. I will do my best to keep things accurate and precise.
Reminder to use your Intermittent Catheter at app Store
Oh my goodness iPhone users, our back are covered! There is now an app for those of us that need to use an intermittent catheter on a regular basis but miss the normal cues to urinate.
Incontinence – Resources
While on my computer this morning I found this web site. It had so many tips I just had to share it with you!
Parenting a Child with a Neurogenic Bladder
I am writing because I get so many emails from parents with broken hearts because their child is incontinent. Now is the time to let the cat out of the bag. My daughter…
Constipation and the Neurogenic Bowel
Because I have a neurogenic bowel constipation is a r-e-g-u-l-a-r battle for me.
Sex and Neurogenic Paralyzed Parts
There are some rules of thumb that one should consider if dealing with paralyzed parts. Without getting too graphic please know that…
Dear God,
I saw this prayer on face book and just needed to share it with you. Sometimes we need to keep in mind all that we can do, and be thankful for that!
Thanks Dr. Oz
Did you know that your could see the old Dr. Oz TV shows by going to u tube and putting in Dr. Oz and writing in the subject you are interested in? Try it, you might learn something new!
The Types of Urinary Incontinence
There are all kinds of incontinence I know the confusion as to the types, I am just learning myself. So here is an explanation as to the different types.
Medical Tourism
In this economy, I am sure many people are tempted by medical tourism. Sure it is cheaper, the price is certainly right, but is it right for you?
Good Treatment for Bladder Infections
I admit, YES I am prone to bladder infections. I am also a productive member of society and I do my best with the medical team I have by my side to get through the pain and move on.