Ozone Therapy for Bladder Infections
I learned about Ozone Therapy with the help of Doctor Woodall ND, of Issaquah Washington, who suggested this, for treating chronic bladder infections.
Beautiful Immune System
I have a beautiful immune system and I want to help it work with the help of hydroxycloroquine,...
Gobble the Savings, Black Friday arrives Early, Amazon Ebook
I want to share with you a very kind comment that I received from a reader of this blog. The...
Living with a Colectomy
My name is Keith Thomas; I am a 59-year-old bus driver from Swansea, in South Wales and I now live...
Extra Supplies to Pass On
A reader has some new supplies that she wants to pass on. I understand the devices we use are...
An Opportunity for a Paid Interview
Attention all intermittent catheter users. This is a chance to earn $150 for an hour long...
God is Bigger than the Corona Virus
During this time of the Corona Virus we are experiencing a frightful time and because of this...
Clean Intermittent Catheterization: Where do we go from here?
What do you like or dislike about your intermittent catheters?
Merry Christmas and a Grand New Year
Pregnancy and Neurogenic Bladder
Question: Hi Trudy! I am 30 years old and been diagnosed with a neurogenic bladder from the age of...
Can Kombucha help my Neurogenic Bowel?
Not long ago Julia and I attended a #BlogHerHealth19 conference in LA. I was fortunate enough to...
A Positive Review for Fohm Co
I came across a product that I just had to share with you. Fohm is for those who need or...
Bladder Problems Can Affect Your Kidneys : Kidney Health 101
Kidney function can be compromised when your bladder does not function normally. People who have to self-cath to empty their bladder experience chronic urinary tract infections which can easily infect the kidney. Lifestyle changes including diet and exercise to maintain your best health are often recommended but what does it entail? Pain medications, diuretics, salt, herbal supplements and high blood pressure that cause additional strain on the kidneys must be reduced or avoided when kidney function is compromised. Ask your doctor if you can monitor your kidney function annually and avoid or at least delay the onset of chronic kidney disease/end-stage kidney failure.
Consider your Kidneys When Managing Chronic Pain
JoAnne Lake aka Trudy Triumph It has been awhile and for that apologies. Let me share a note with...
Book Beyond Embarrassment can Help When Using an Intermittent Catheter at Work
School is already in full swing. I thought this question was so timely. Working in a busy school...
Coping with Hysterectomy Causing Neurogenic Bladder
Question from Reader: How do I cope? I’ve been using self cath for two weeks now. I had...
The Value if an Infectious Disease Doctor- Antibiotic Overload
Not long ago, while out of town, a spider or some sort of bug decided to decorate my face. I...
The Emotional Impact of Bladder Disorders
Before I was diagnosed with an underactive bladder and along with the Biosleuth, Julia Parker,...
Beyond Embarrassment – Symbolism and Depth of Coverage
Recently two important questions were submitted via the website about our book, “Beyond...