Gobble the Savings, Black Friday arrives Early, Amazon Ebook
I want to share with you a very kind comment that I received from a reader of this blog. The well-wisher wondered why I did not have a "donate button" on my blog. She was really helped by the words and wanted to contribute. I am not interested in money, but what is...
Pelvic Pain and Bladder Infections
Trudy talks about Pelvic Pain: Pelvic pain has many causes; endometriosis, menstruation,...
The Book, Beyond Embarrassment is more than my Memoir
I wrote my memoir as I blogged about the topic of neurologenic bladder over several years. My...
A Flacid Bladder Question for Trudy
Question for Trudy: Hi! First I want to say thanks for being brave and speaking out about this...
Speech, Underactive Bladder Science and Policy, WA DC, March 10, 2017
CURE-UAB is the only meeting dedicated to underactive bladder. The conference should help to...
What came first, depression or infection?
I am interested in learning about how chronic infection can cause emotional drain and physical...
Doctor will this exam help me?
This excerpt from my book Beyond Embarrassment is such a perfect example of a doctor going through...
Question..Will my bladder function come back?
Question: Hi "Trudy, I'm starting to urinate on my own after 5 months of a neurogenic bladder. ...
Starving the Tiger: How physical pain and worry about the outcome can cause depression.
All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming. Helen Keller Have depression?...
An Attitude Change was in Order
Now I am bold when it comes to my health story. This attitude is new to me because I have not...
Woman’s Intermittent Catheter, you can do it!
Question: Dear Trudy, I would like to be part of a support group of neurogenic bladder. I am very...
Current Events
JoAnne Lake is available for readings and presentations. Contact her at,
Drugs and Devices to Discuss with Your Doctor
Michelle Y. Llamas Snior Content Writer,
BEYOND EMBARRASSMENT receives the Silver Living Now Award for Enriching Lives
When we wrote Beyond Embarrassment, the goal was to offer comfort and compassion to those dealing...
Finding Joy in the Mist of Trouble
10 ways to find your joy Find joyful books, How about, Marley and Me? Find joyful people....
Back Packing in Southeast Asia with a Neurogenic Bladder and Bowel
Last week I received a question from a reader. It threw me a bit because I was tempted to put on...
First Encounter with CompactCath, my Free Sample
Currently I use Speedicath by Coloplast.
Currently I use SpeedicathIMG_5584 by Coloplast. For those who do not know Speedicath is small and looks like a skinny tube of lipstick. The complaints I have heard about Speediacath is that it is too short and one sometimes has to touch the lubricated ridged tip to insert it easily. This catheter has served me well over the years.
Now I am provided with another option.IMG_5579
The sample I received was size twelve french. Fourteen french is what I normally use. Measure
My first time using the catheter I definitely needed
two hands. ( I can’t resit this tid bit. Most medical pictures have a woman separate her labia with one had and insert a catheter with the other. For my book Beyond Embarrassment I had a graphic artist change that in a picture, because just by the fact of a woman opening her legs her labia opens as well. Which is a good thing for the first time I inserted this new catheter!) I needed one hand to hold the device and one hand to pull the tubing out of the wound container. As I pulled the tubing through the protective sheath, the white cylinder you see in the picture. (which is great because I am sure this will cut down on infection) I got a little pinch because I did not pull it down far enough.
I then pulled on the wound tubing to insert the catheter in my bladder. There is no lubrication to the catheter yet the catheter is easily inserted. An excess of lubrication can cause a yuky build up over the day so it is nice that they have this feature. The urine flowed out quickly.
The ring shape made it easier to hold.
Countless times I have dropped a catheter in the toilet. Not a fun fishing expedition. This is a part of the design that is surprising to me. It is secure in my hands and easy to held while using.
I am sure insertion will get better with practice.
New Back Cover of Beyond Embarrassment
Book Description:052915-BeyondEmbarrassment2_HiRes_Foreword2_6x9
Back Cover:
Reclaim Your Life
Release the Fear and Embarrassment
For Women Who Suffer and Those Who Share Their Journey
JoAnne’s story is engaging. It inspires, while offering suggestions for managing life’s hurdles. In an honest, will-to-succeed style, this journey focuses on neurogenic bladder and bowel condition in which a person lacks control due to a brain spinal cord or nerve condition. The source can be aging, a chronic health condition, trauma, or many other causes. Often called an under active or over active bladder or bowel, its symptoms vary but the difficult daily reality is shared.
Valuable guide, much like a fresh prescription filled with practical advice
Educates, empathizes, and encourages women who struggle with the same health issue
Written with a girlfriend-to girlfriend feel, sharing the path to survival and success
Sprinkled with Tips and Knowledge Nuggets that high light points of importance
Encouraging and equipping the reader to live every day to the utmost
With medical input from expert medical research librarian and Biosleuth, Julia Parker, readers will discover current research and facts equipping them to meet their medical challenges and work with their medical teams. Valuable for healthcare professionals to share with patients
“Offers a candid memoir of her experience with neurogenic bladder and a wealth of practical advice about coping with its daily complications. An invaluable resource for NB sufferers.”
—Kirkus Review
“This is the best and most complete book on neurogenic bladder syndrome that I have read in my 30 years of family practice medicine. I will use it again and again as a resource and refer my patients to read this excellent book.”
—Kathy Matteson MN FNP ND Medical Provider
Summer fun . . . Do not let a Neurogenic Bladder Stop YOU
I was accommodated at this stop.
I was accommodated at this stop.
My memories with my grandson were the best.
My memories with my grandson were the best.
Breathtaking beauty, I almost missed because I was not sure how to handle my neurogneic bladder.
Breathtaking beauty, I almost missed because I was not sure how to handle my neurogneic bladder.
My Husband Randy and Grant.
My Husband Randy and Grant.
Now that Summertime is almost here I want to tell you about a Sheri Griffith River Rafting Trip, I took in Utah last April.
Well of course a river rafting trip means a day long excursion with no restrooms. Because I use a woman’s intermittent catheter to pee, excusing myself to take a swim is not an option.
I also get concerned with sanitation. How clean is the river water? What about my neurogneic bowel? AN ENTIRE DAY, seemed overwhelming.
Luckily I have a husband that does not have the same concern. He told me that even if the worst happens, you will have lasting memories. I am so glad that I followed his advice.
It is easy to fall prey to worry. I had no reason to feel as I did. The day went well because I made some arrangements with the owner before I went out.
1. I was honest and told them that I have a neurogneic bladder and bowel. That meant that I had to have clean water and a portable toilet.
2. There was a chance that I would need to stop along the way.
3.My back was fragile and I needed to sit forward.
No problem, when I arrived I rode with the owner of the company and sat forward in an ore raft.
I had chance to talk to him about other accommodations he had made with others with all kinds of disabilities. He said that they do it all of the time.
I give this tour company my highest rating. I thank them from the bottom of my heart for giving me an exhilarating experience and great memories with my family!
About the tour
Hidden along its path are wonderful steep-walled canyons that were carved by this powerful force of nature over the thousands of years. To experience the Colorado River up close and personal, on a few-day Colorado River rafting trip, is a lifetime experience not to be missed.
Utah’s Premier Company | Rafting Trips out of Moab UT on the Colorado River – Sheri Griffith Expeditions
About the Company
Sheri Griffith, Why PICK USWhy Pick us| Utah’s Premier Company | Rafting Trips out of Moab UT on the Colorado River – Sheri Griffith Expeditions Sheri Griffith River Expeditions has received numerous awards for business ethics and community involvement. Including the prestigious “Best of State Award” for River Outfitter and is the only Moab based outfitter to be recognized by National Geographicas one of the “Best Outfitters on Earth.”