by Trudy Triumph | Oct 1, 2014 | Empathy, Good Attitude, Health, Sharing with Friends
Another great question has come in that I want to share my thoughts about with you: Hi, I was diagnosed with neurogenic bladder and IBS three years ago. I have been frustrated with the lack of information and support my doctors give me. So, I am delighted to have...
by Trudy Triumph | Sep 20, 2014 | Frequency, Health
Last month we received the following Inquiry through the "Ask a Question" form: " Are there others in India that have a neurogenic bladder?" Before I answer this I would like to share with you some facts about this blog. ...
by Trudy Triumph | Sep 10, 2014 | Featured, Good Attitude, Health, Sharing with Friends
My Sister and I (Aug. 2014) Not long ago, I took a friend of mine out to lunch. She had just lost her husband to Lou Gehrig's disease. It was the first time we had a chance to talk since the funeral. As we chit-chatted, as girlfriends...
by Trudy Triumph | Aug 30, 2014 | Bladder Infection, Fighting Bladder Infections, Health
Dear Biosleuth, Do cranberry products help in preventing bladder infections? Thanks for asking! Here is what I found in the medical research.. Our immune systems prevent infections that potentially occur from our daily encounter with invisible assailants (the...
by Trudy Triumph | Aug 16, 2014 | Health, Pelvic Pain
Please allow me to introduce a guest author, Faith whom I met at the Blogher confrence in San Jose. Like me she has a passion to help women with a personal medical problem that is not so easy for us to talk about. Here is Faith's story… I...
by Trudy Triumph | Aug 10, 2014 | Devices, Fighting Bladder Infections, Foley Catheter, Health, Urine Retention
Frederick Foley redesigned this catheter in 1932. What is scary about this is that not much has changed with this device, in my opinion, a much overused catheter. It is a known fact that intermittent catheterization is the very best treatment for urine retention. ...