by Trudy Triumph | Jun 28, 2016 | Catheterization, Devices, Health
Currently I use Speedicath by Coloplast. Currently I use Speedicath by Coloplast. For those who do not know Speedicath is small and looks like a skinny tube of lipstick. The complaints I have heard about Speedicath is that it is too short and one sometimes has to...
by Trudy Triumph | May 29, 2016 | Book, Books, Featured, Health
Book Description: Back Cover: HEALTH/Women Reclaim Your Life Release the Fear and Embarrassment For Women Who Suffer and Those Who Share Their Journey JoAnne’s story is engaging. It inspires, while offering suggestions for managing life’s hurdles. In an...
by Trudy Triumph | Mar 23, 2016 | Book, Books, Catheterization, Convenience Tips, Conversation about "it', Coping Strategies, Devices, Featured, Good Attitude, Health, Uncategorized, Urine Retention
Dear Trudy, I stumbled upon your site in my search for information about neurogenic bladders. Perhaps you or the broader bladder community can help me. I am curious if there are any other moms (or dads/families) out there that can offer advice, guidance, direction,...
by Trudy Triumph | Jan 21, 2016 | Featured, Fighting Bladder Infections, Health, Kidney Health, My story, Uncategorized
Just as this blog, has evolved and progressed over the past few years, so have I. I started the blog to unload thoughts regarding the fear and anxiety I experienced as a urological patient with neurogenic bladder and bowel. As my body continues to...
by Trudy Triumph | Nov 22, 2015 | Featured, Health, Uncategorized
I collect sea glass — pieces of clear and colored glass that were, at some point, thrown into the ocean, broken, and are now polished and made beautiful from years of being tossed in the waves and scoured on the sand. The excitement is in the hunt as I walk along the...
by Trudy Triumph | Oct 7, 2015 | Bladder Infection, Bladder Pain, Featured, Health, Pelvic Pain
Lately I have been a “Frequent Flyer” – that is, with multiple doctor’s offices. I have been in to visit my urologist, a “doc in a box” emergency care clinic last Saturday, and today, I am heading out to my family practice doctor. WHY? All because I can’t seem to...